I wrote a post on 12/06/09 about 'Pass The Parcel'.
An art project that I have been involved with.
12 Artists - 12 Disciplines - All Done By Post
The project has now come to a close and all the artwork has been completed.
Pass the Parcel has been a fun project to be involved with from start to finish. From what I have heard, read and experienced there has been lots of anticipation, angst, joy, late nights, elation, hard work, new challenges, broader outlooks, surprising outcomes, the breaking down of some techno phobias, great collaboration, and I would imagine blood, sweet and perhaps even a few tears along the way.
The ideas that have been formed and the artwork that has been produced have been interesting, wonderful, unique and a breath of fresh air. It has been exciting to follow
the blog., which has created a certain amount of intrigue; in as much that one would find oneself logging in to see how everyone else has been getting on.
I have found that the artists involved in the project have been very honest in talking about their trials and tribulations during the process of making their artwork. Being part of this project has been a very positive experience where I have found that I have broken some new ground. I would definitely take part in it again!
Here are some images of the sculpture that I created.
It is entitled 'Copper Top'.